Official Symbiotec Sponsored athlete

This is where am at today after 4 weeks on 30 grs of carb ( had a cheat meal right in the middle):
158 pounds
7.5% bf
Am starting 3rd week TRT, after for will start preparation for the competition



I have received my cycle : I will do 14 weeks
1-4 test mix 800 mg/week (2 pins). Also will try 50 mg tren e/week and see how i feel, if works for me:
5-14 cut mix 0.5 cc/ twice a week
next 6th will get blood work done, it will be total testosterone to see the work of that TRT and also will pull estradiol to see my future use of proviron and nolva,


The silbutramine is for my wife, thanks SBL
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Very nice looking goodies @Pastor.

What are you expecting from TrenE at 50mg/wk for 4 weeks? It might be just me but I am completely confused by this cycle layout.

Personally I would not use nolva with a 19-nor simply because of the progesterone confusion that has spread concerning the combination. I don’t base my decision on any indisputable facts. With proven effective AI’s available they just make better sense to me.

Be very careful with sibutramine. I recommend careful monitoring heart rate and BP. It can be a bitch on both.
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-Tren at 50 mg / week is just to check my reaction to it and take it from there…i might not use it at all
-Nolva is just in case
-Am 54, i just came off a big cycle…won’t do that ever again.I do not want to hurt my body, I have done more and better on 200mg cypionate / week than what i did with a big cycle.
-My target is Physique…i don’t need a whole lot of gear for that, is not bodybuilding. Good , proper nutrition, cardio, lots of training and dedication
-Right now am a 54 years old person; 160 pounds, 7.5% bf…i will stay muscular and athletic all the way thru and enjoy the ride, no stress…just hard, hard work
I have used Nolvadex with nor-19 compounds and im not sure that the research that has been shown is true to what we do being men and the research I was shown was done on women.
I agree that an ai is a better choice to control higer levels of testosterone aromatase but if bloods show a healthy e2 number I really believe that nolvadex is fine to use during a cycle. I would say to watch out for high liver values though because I have been doing research and have been finding that tamoxifen citrate is actually pretty toxic which surprised me.
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I have been three weeks on TRT 200 mg SBL test cyp. I will get blood work done next 6th, which is the end of the TRT, it will be total testosterone and estradiol, exactly 48 hrs after last pin ( i do 2 pins of 100 mg , Sundays and Wednesday), before the numbers bring substantial prove…allow me , if you are kind enough to offer you my PERSONAL EXPERIENCE:-Am in thee best shape ever. -Libido…excelente, my wife walks around singing and dancing. I have been able to maintain my stats without further weight loss or increasing body fat. Awesome gear
Good for you. Its been a personal endeavor for years. Bbing is no money, no prestige. Never has been never will be. But, I think the person that still pushes on is like a artist. Starving artist. Canvas is body. No room for bloated sick look …or a 10 year “off-season” have fun.
Today am 160 pounds, 7-7.5 % bf; this is the first day of a 14-15 weeks preparation for a show. Last week i ended a period of 4 weeks TRT ( 200 mg SBL test cyp),Friday I got blood work done , 48 hrs after last injection, which was on Wednesday , i will post results as soon as they become available.
Today i have injected 1cc SBL test mix; about an hour after i trained chest and did cardio, no pip at all, very smooth.