SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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I did a half hour at 3.2 while listening to a video on the differences between psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists. Then 11 more minutes on the bike. Cardio is boring shit unless you throw on a good action movie, some heavy metal music, or a good podcast.
I can’t stand cardio. I need to get into a routine for longevity but ya the whole movie thing helps a lot with it. I believe my job as an electrician constantly moving and carrying thing all the time is like slot to medium
Paced cardio but I don’t wanna lie to myself. I usually move anywhere from three to seven miles a day pushing and climbing. But I am use to it. So I try and do cardio on the gym and it’s really hard to get heart rate up on elliptical or whatever. But leg day gets my heart thumping!!!
I think that’s why I can zone out so easily and just become one with the movement
That’s a fair point. Maybe I’ll try one of Nora’s longer sets on sound cloud and see if I can become one with the stair climber.

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Ones left the others right.

Bp this am. I switched to the arm cuff. The wrist cuff was giving me readings all over the place lately. Not sure if the automated arm cuff is completely accurate but it’s been pretty steady so far.

@NeuroRN do you ever get tired of being right! Haha
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Hahaha nope. It’s satisfying every time. But only Bc I freely admit when I don’t know something. It just makes it seem like I’m right a lot more than I am.
In the interest of full disclosure…and showing that I practice what I preach… my bp was high all day yesterday. Not stroke high but out of normal range. I’ve take 25mg of tbol 2 days in a row and did not take cialis yesterday. I’m trying to switch to taking cialis on training days only.

The arm cuff was used today after a cup of coffee, breakfast and a nicotine lozenge but prior to tbol and cialis (training day). I will take it again this afternoon and evening.

Ongoing monitoring is required

I will pull the eject handle on the tbol if my bp is steadily high. My friends will get some more freebies.


Today was pushing day.

Benched with new bar again. Still figuring it out.

5 sets of 8 with whatever it is in the picture (35# bar). Medium grip. See chalk in pic.

Striped down to 45’s only close grip x some.

High pulls, triceps, face pulls.
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