SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

Woke up way too early. Couldn’t go back to sleep.

Quick upper:

DB flat bench: 15,15,12,12,10,10
DB High Incline: 15,12,12,12,10

Chest supported DB row: 12,12,12,10,10
Pull down: 15,15,12,12,10

Shrugs: 15,15,15,12,12

Lateral raise: 12,12,12,10,10

Still running blend, I really like how it’s going. Currently totaling:

400 test e
200 mast
200 primo

Still seeing size and strength gains and staying pretty lean.

Training days:
C: 500-600
F: 110

Non training:
C: 300
F: 110

This seems to have been keeping me pretty lean, while giving me the fuel through the week to add some good mass.

Upper body pull focus today.

Chest supported rows: 12,12,12,12,12
Pull down: 15,15,12,12
Row machine: 15,15,12, drop set 4 plates each side x 12 reps per arm, drop a plate.

Preacher curls: 12,12,12,10,10

DB flat bench: 12,12,12,10,10
Low incline: 12,12,10,10

Cable tri: 15,15,15,12,10,10

Cable lateral raise: 12,12,12,10,10
High pull: 12,12,12,10

15 min incline walk
10 min reverse walk

Hip/spine mobility

Still working on fixing my fucked up flat feet. Starting to show some improvement in my lateral calves as a result, as well as feeling like my quads are activating so much better when training them.

SLDL: 10,10,10,10
Seated leg curl: 12,12,12,10,10
Lying leg curl: 10,10,10,10

Bulgarian: 15,15,15 (glute focus) 12,12,12 (quad focus)

Hack Squat: 12,12,12,10,10
Single leg extension: 10,10,10,10 (hold at the top on left leg)

Calves: 12,12,12,12