Time for a Dirty cut 2024

Speaking of free I ended things today and told her I’m keeping the dog. Love her but she wasn’t capable of reciprocating what I put in the relationship. I believe she did love me in her own way.
I feel better currently I know it will hurt but we really wwrent doing much together the last month so I’m
Not going to be missing anything liek with last one where we constantly talked and had sex
I refuse to accept any meal plan the denies me bacon.
Parks And Recreation Bacon GIF
2 weeks and it’s over. Outside of fast food I had barely been eating bacon anyways so wasn’t loss. I still plan on reading the full quron though even if her and I aren’t together. I made a point that even if I converted I don’t think she was currently capable of giving back what was needed. I love her and know I’ll be in pain after the relief of doing what was needed is gone. I won’t fully close the door but I’m guessing she has already. I truely believe that somebody down the line will get a great one with her. I just came along at the wrong time
The Quran actually has some beautiful imagery in it… as well as some batshit crazy babble… but that’s no different than any other holy book 😂😂 never hurts to read something new and gain insight into those different than you. It seems like you had to change a lot of you to meet where she was. Don’t you have a festival coming up anyway?
There were positive changes that came with the relationship. Like I believe I was finally able to commit properly and see why somebody could love me. I’ll try to carry those over to any future relationship I may have. Right now I’ll focus on finishing this cut enjoying the techno festival and getting back to lifting heavy ass shit. I do wonder though if I have an issue as I always seem to end things right before I start meet prep haha.
Dirtnasty said:
I believe I was finally able to commit properly and see why somebody could love me.
Thank you for realizing that…you’ve got a lot to offer someone lucky enough to catch your eye.

Like I’ve said before…usually that special someone comes out of nowhere…
Neuro said:
never hurts to read something new and gain insight into those different than you
Spot on… all about perspective… walk in another mans shoes etc.

Thats what smart folks do. Keeps your mind from being so narrow that you miss waaayy more than you think you know.
Bacon is NOT part of meal plan… that’s just cruel!!!

Even diabetics can have bacon!!! Hahaha
Neuro said:
that’s no different than any other holy book
Very true. I think it’s important to have an understanding of all religions to an extent so you know the people around you. The Quran is actually more peaceful then the Holy Bible and Torah and Talmud. Torah and Talmud are the worst then the old testament.

I’ve known some true Muslims and they’re some of the nicest people I know.
Dirtnasty said:
I still plan on reading the full quron though even if her and I aren’t together. I made a point that even if I converted
I’m agnostic. I don’t believe in any religion but I do believe for some people religion makes them a better person and guidance in life. Some people need that.

My wife comes from a extremely catholic upbringing. While I don’t believe the same, I think her values in that helped me and our relationship. I used to drink a lot. I rarely drink now and never to the point really of getting drunk. It doesn’t hurt me one bit to go along with her families traditions on holidays. I’m lucky to have them in my life.

Whatever makes you happy and have a better life the more power to you bro.