Geek’s Test is Best Recomp

There was a funeral in Chicago a few years ago… for a gang member. The rival gang did a drive by and killed/wounded many on the steps of the church.

The old black preacher was livid. He went on record on the news proclaiming that the young these days have no soul. Back in the day civilians family and funerals were absolutely off limits. Especially churches. Not today.
I remember when this first happened it was years back but I remember because the police started having to act like security at funerals because they knew they were going to get called for sure.
I believe that they have stopped because now I just saw on tv days ago that they attacked a funeral and shot people.

There is no more code of the streets there’s no more that persons in charge you need permission to take it to that level.

Now it’s every man for themselves

Progress Report​


Today I weighed in below my goal weight. Woot! My rolling average still doesn’t quite agree, so I still have some time before that becomes an official measurement. Still, it’s nice to see.

This week I’ve reduced my macros, mostly carbs, to try and eke out some more weight loss. It should be interesting to see how that interacts with my lifting — the next two weeks are going to be high volume/high intensity and should be pretty fatiguing.

Food Porn​



As I mentioned last week, I had to rework some of my meals to include fewer carbs and higher satiety foods. These are my new breakfast tacos. I forgot to mix the velveeta in with the eggs while they were cooking, but I’ll remember that next time.