That’s why there’s such a stigma and suicides along with overdoses are at highest ever. So, a diagnosis using evidence based info still needs to be done by interview and you being honest about symptom. Gene sight is ok but it tells you how the body will handle the drugs…pharmokinetics, and what the drugs will do to the body. Pharma dynamics. So you might be a rapid metabolizer of a antipsychotic, who cares if you aren’t having psychosis. If you have a diagnosis then a provider will most always give the safest and probably least effective first anyway. I don’t know many that will prescribe a tricyclic antidepressant before trying zoloft or prozac. If it’s panic attacks. Usually it’s klonipin before Xanax. I can go on and on. If a provider won’t try something in crisis without a gene sight report…they suck. I’ve never seen a patient get Steven Johnson syndrome from lamictal or antidepressants because you titrate.