SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Sorry brother to hear about the injuries im actually really sick right now I have serious stomach issues that haven’t been diagnosed yet.
I have been off 2yrs from Anabolics but im going to start again I didn’t take blood work yet because I need to mail so I will do it Monday morning to get best results.

I haven’t slept or eaten in months now and it continues to get worse. Im really cut up honestly I lost some size but the muscle I still have is definitely showing from dropping from 238 to 223lb its been hard ive stayed at 223 and have been training extremely light maybe 2 exercises and that’s all I can get together zero energy.

Lack of nutrition and sleep destroys you especially when trying to train but I have blood work im doing Monday morning moving towards getting my trt started again I believe better hormones will help alot I wanted to try one of the ghrp that they will prescribe like sera hexa ipamorelin but im going to hold off on any 191aa chain products until diagnosed

EAT none 2 days actually an egg today but couldn’t finish

Sleep 5hrs

Training I will chest tomorrow today hopefully legs I don’t have much energy but im going to try

DHEA stopped since I have stopped im feeling alot worse the last time I said that I had life was taking the DHEA I believe that the day it took effect.
The news will kill you!

It’s usually all bad and slanted one way or another… so you really aren’t getting all the facts of exactly what happened… just bits and pieces to fit a narrative.

I know you know this already.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Been reading your inspiring story. I think having a positive attitude and mindset is the best thing you could do for yourself. That perseverance and positivity will definitely manifest itself in the results. The mental part of the game of life is definitely 99% of the battle and you already have that. Just keep going and this community will be behind you all the way!
Refused service my doctor ended the call and the office wouldn’t let me see another un medicated since January and I can’t eat or sleep no one will help
I’ve been trying to get help since January and have been denied now on 4 different occasions help I was told before that they will prescribe I have to do a certain test doctor said they didn’t know how to send in the prescription that I have to have or they won’t treat me. I can’t get treated with fake doctors who don’t know how to put in a prescription