SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Yeah sczoeffective sucks worst of everything but I just need to get back on meds and manage it and possibly not do something really bad one day this is my mental health issue

My stomach is another that hasn’t even started to be solved that and mental health are effecting my sleep
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I really appreciate that it hasn’t been easy and I know that if I was anywhere else I would have been taken care of already but because of were I am the medical health sucks no one else has ever been denied service? Right anyone else?

I appreciate you and everything everyone in your profession does your heroes but these people around here are just completely pieces of shit
I was told at 15 or 16 that I was too young to repair a torn bicep, hence the reason my right bicep is grotesquely shorter than my left bicep… sad part is, the doctor still works at the same Ortho office that did my hip last year, and he’s done my wife’s knee 5 times in the last 20 years… he wasn’t even an option for my hip
I can’t remember the percentage of tear, it wasn’t complete, but it was over 50%. The older I get, the sketchier that bicep gets too, somehow I never finished the tear in all my years of powerlifting. But I will say, it’s got a wicked peak when I flex, almost to the point of being gross
That’s what they did to my knee no surgery because it wasn’t a complete tear but now my knee will just drop out from underneath me sometimes smh
I never tore any ligaments in my knee luckily, but I did have a lateral release in my left knee, meniscus repair and almost 1/2” of nasty calcification scraped off the back of my knee cap… that was terrible, my knee cap hurt for half a year
Know the feeling it was nice last night at work when I cut finger changing air filter in one of the rooms we mix the products, yeah got hurt on light duty, and the boss said we didn’t have to drug test cause I passed yesterday. They are pretty strict with any blood related instances due to us making stuff people ingest. I’m just think fill it was t done in room where half the ingredients look like blood I would have had to clean everything spotless not just my blood