Low dose cycle has started

Best part of pic is I have ankles again water retention is gone maybe I could use that water fucking legs are suexing hard today
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Already lost the guy who moved to shift last week so I guess I’ll be working my ass off tryingto cover for a person till we get a new person. Luckily they were already looking for the fourth guy. Man I may just end up sleeping ky weekends away for awhile
My training non existent last two days haven’t slept well so I dropped my sd todah at about 2.5 weeks in I was on var for 2 weeks prior. So it’s probably about time
Probably only end up with two gym sessions this week. I will say being a man short and having to keep production I get a decent back workout here though
I weighed 298 this morning I think the affects from the doxy are gone and I need to start upping intake again
I was even lighter today and feel lack of energy. But leg day must happen. I did eat twice already today before gym and inwoke at 10:30
Decent sized but not too big to where I feel like shit doing legs. Got 520 for 8 and then failed at 6 on second set not bad for dropping 6 pounds this week making 20 pound jump. Will do same
Weight next week so I get 8 reps 2 sets if I feel strong first set I can add weight on second haha
Today wasn’t that day haha but some days it’s like I warmed up with first working set. Usually secodn set is rpe 9.5
Oh yeah I added eq today it will 400t 200d 400eq for about 8 weeks then we drop deca up test and add ment. Last six weeks of prep will drop eq and add tren
That means you timed it wrong haha. I had to move abombs to 3-4 hours before workout so I could get it for my compound movements haha
Ok todays legs.
Squats 520x8/5
Rdl 2x8 410,430
Leg press collapsed on me so I went to do machine version 3x12 330 tried fourth set but pump was too much
Sm hip thrust machine broke on me so I took that as signs to shut it down.
Not sure I’ll use any pump products on leg days I feel I can’t get in what I want