SB Labs

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I have a few, I will say why, so as to show I want to learn something, not just to ask why, like a dick.
Why the creatine? I’ve tried it a few times, didn’t notice much or think it provided any benefits. And I have tried it off cycle to.
Creatine works for me. I’m only going to use it for first few weeks til everything kicks in. Put some water in the muscles.
Yeah, I’m not big on lean bulks. I give lots of props to the guys that have the dedicated and will power to watch every single calorie and get on stage and compete. Tough cats right there. Also, I like to fuckin eat too much to do that. Haha… but I’ll clean up in the last couple weeks of cycle.
Ok gotcha… I had another but I forgot and I’m going to eat, I will be following.
Agreed! But I’m going to blow up a bit more than that. I hope. I’m already putting the food down easier than I thought I would. And that’s a very good sign!
Good Day, Men!
Had to stagger work schedule yesterday due to weather. Worked 10-6 and by the time I got home from the gym I was just too tired to post. Didn’t even cook and that kinda pissed me off but I’m making up for it.
Tues 1-21:
Diet: 3:45am:
Multivitamin/500mgs Vit C/Egg Protein Shake with 32oz water
5iu Humalog
Double Espresso, 16oz coffee with whole milk.
4 egg scrambled eggs with cheese
2 cups oats/ banana
16oz whole milk
30iu Lantus
MetRx Bar/16oz whole milk
2 Sausage egg and cheese biscuits
12oz OJ
12:30pm: Lunch
2 cans tuna in water/lt. Mayo
6 sliced whole bread
Pasta Salad
Cottage Cheese with pineapple
32oz Gatorade
5iu Humalog
2 Chicken Breast (fried but skin off)
Black beans and rice
6:30pm: Pre Workout:
Heavyweight Gainer Shake with PB.
5gm Creatine
30iu Lantus
8:00pm: Post Workout:
10iu Humalog
Egg Powder Milkshake
MetRx Bar
32oz Whole milk
Workout: Back/Bi’s
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns
Stretch and Warmup:
Close Grip Low Rows(palms facing each other)
1×15 (complete stretch at start leaning far forward and all the way back on bench for few reps. Feels good to stretch it out real good)
Straight Bar Cable Curls:
21’s on Hammer Curl × 3 (no weight adjustment and Bi’s were just fuckin burning and bloated. Felt so good)

Had enough and felt good overall. Upper body pumped and can’t tell you how nice it is to be back at gym fulltime. Catching up with some old friends.

Wed- 1-22:
Rest… also took day off from work. Too cold to be outside to be working with cold ass water and wind today. So diet will be lie this:
Multivitamin/500mgs Vit C/Egg Powder Protein Shake with 32oz water
5iu Humalog
Buckwheat Pancakes with 28gms Whey Chocolate Protein
16oz Whole milk
Cottage cheese with pineapple
16oz OJ
Chicken Breast
4 slices Whole Wheat Bread
MetRx Bar/yogurt
Grass Fed Ground Beef (90% Lean 10% fat)
Baked potato
Green beans
30iu Lantus
Egg Powder Milkshake
2tbs peanut butter/16oz whole milk

Back at it tomorrow. Ok, gotta get in kitchen.
Have a good day and again, thx for following!!
Happy to report that the Sust has definitely kicked in. Kinda felt slight increase in energy and libido past couple days. But this morning it was on! Felt good all day at work and muscles are nice and full. Feeling good!
We worked late to finish up the job instead of going in for a couple hours in the morning. Have the next 3 days off, so back at it tmrw and saturday, sunday off. Back to normal monday.
Have a good evening!
Getting diet together was hardest part. And I’ll have adjustments to make during this cycle too, no doubt.
Glad to have you aboard!
So my daughter has a hamster, and if it is awake when I go bed, it’s because it is waiting for me to smear peanut butter on bars if it’s cage, so I go get the whole jar, give him some, and the dogs, and myself while I’m at it, I pack the protein in when I can.