I’ve had a couple Of stints, first being after high school , I dabbled in test alone, and then test and Deca for a while. After that I life came at me pretty fast and I started making poor choices in my eating and in my lifestyle so I went from weighing 200 to 280 over the next 8 years. Long story short, I decided to make a change in my life for personal reasons and I went on a mission and dropped from 280 to 190 ( the process took me slightly over a year of dieting and working out) The lightest I’ve been since I was 14 lol. Anyway, after I dropped to 190 I became obsessed with the gym (Again)and decided to start my second stint. After a couple of more cycles with test I replaced Deca with tren (Deca didn’t sit well with me this time around) while Tren ( even tho being my first time on it) thrived in my body ! Lol I fell in love with the gains and my body some how didn’t really have problems with it. It did give me night sweats and sleepless nights every now and then but that wasn’t a problem for me. That brings me to today, after all of that hard work and time, I suffered an accident on a warm up 225 incline bench. The bar slipped off the suicide grip while i was at the top and came straight down onto my upper chest and fucked me up. It’s been around 6 months and I’m starting to finally be able to move some weight without discomfort, I did gain about 30 pounds in that down time because I have been “bulking” (stuffing my face with pizza) lol. So I’m finally ready and anxious to start back up and get those nasty pumps.