SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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It’s scripted by doc from pharmacy. I’ve been in discussion with @NeuroRN over the course of 6 months or so about it. I’ve had some renal issues over the years and hoping this will solve it. I’m also a struggling type 2 diabetic.
Oh snap read that wrong. Isn’t Telemarstan a blood pressure med? If will be interesting to see your resting blood pressure when running 10mg of cialis per day. If you haven’t started the prescription log your resting blood pressure.
If you are having renal issues, especially with a med, be careful with orals like Tbol, and keep your test dosages lower for sure. One thing that you can use in your arsenal is Primobolan enanthate.
Telmisartan belongs to the ARB class of medications. If you’re not currently taking one, I would HIGHLY suggest looking into it. Telmisartan is probably the best all around organ protection drug we have at our disposal. Brain. Kidney. Cardiac. Also acts as PPAR which protects insulin sensitivity as we all stuff our faces for the gains.

I know I sound like a broken record to most here but I’ll continue to promote its use along side glutathione to all our UGM fam. We all have to be old jacked dudes like @Poppy
I’m gonna have to look in to getting some for me as well. My BP has been in the higher levels than I like.
And I’m only at TRT levels and about 15-18% BF.

I surely appreciate the advice.

A little background… I turned 60 last year. I’ve been using aas since early/mid 80’s… probably classified more as ignorant abuse as we didn’t have the internet or knowledge back then.

At 52…all the warnings from my doc came to a head and I was officially a type 2 diabetic. I had some ongoing renal problems (another story) that have subsided mostly.

I was on self hrt for 5-10 years up to approximately 5 years ago or so. Through a series of unfortunate incidents my T crashed and was at 68… I’ve been on doc scripted hrt since…along with my own supplemented test. Doc won’t give me more than 200mg every two weeks.

I’m very cautious as to what I put in my body as messing something up now can lead to a lifelong handicap.

I’m very wary of my health and get certain labs drawn every 3 months. I don’t have any “awe craps” left. I’ve got a lot of unfinished business left and it’s imperative that I stay at most possible optimized health.

I’m addicted to the weight stack and in the last few years have shifted away from total strength and to more of a “power building” protocol.

I could go on and on because I’m chatty by nature and like talking to different folks. I’ve got a lot to say about everything…especially aas.
We have a major meltdown going on at work and as usual I’m the “expert” (read: been doing this stuff forever and work with/for a bunch of college kids) soooo I’m out for a bit.
I appreciate all the things you share. Hopefully we will all reach your age someday and all this is very valuable stuff. Things to look out for. How to handle AAS and our health as we age. Seriously brother keep the information flowing
Todays training after hot project… quick and dirty training

Pwo 35mg tbol coffee

V bar lat pull downs superset with high pulls 3x14

Rows 3x12

Curls abs neck
I’ve been having a lot of days lately where I can only get in like 30 to 45 minutes of gym time including warm up.

But I’ve been doing a much slower tempo and focusing hard on muscle
Contraction and been feeling like I’ve been getting a decent workout even though my total
Sets are half of what I usually do.

A little workout is better then no workout.
I’m learning that. Kinda being forced to learn that cause my schedule. Just have to focus on less muscle groups. Like I cannot do a full pull day in 45 minutes. But I can super set chest and biceps and get a great workout in 45 minutes. But I only get in two muscle groups.
I’m usually done with with first lift in 45 minutes then accessories I speed through kind of. But with powerlifting rest is key
Stan efferding was telling story about a top deadlifter was using his home gym. He came out and the guy had hit a new pr. Said he wa planing to go up 10 more kgs Stan said he went to costco and the guy was just setting up for his next attempt when he got homegaha
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