SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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Atta boy! My attitude as well! I refuse to be a fat old estrogenic POS whining about his physical maladies. Going to fight it every fucking step of the way until my body literally gives out. Hopefully, that won’t be until I’m 80+. I figure I have at least another good 15 years @56 years young. Having a young hot wife to keep up with really helps me, and hotshot athlete children from whom you want continuing respect.
BP today
Right wrist and cuff


Left cuff and wrist


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Training today 15 minute steady walk… not fast but not strolling.
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Todays training

Lat pull downs with V bar 4x12-14

Rows with same bar 3x12-14

Bis abs neck

10 minute brisk walk
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BP left n right wrist immediately after training

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Todays training

Pwo 35mg tbol 3 Reese cups coffee and emergenC

Superset 4 sets

Belt squats med/close and med/wide; 2 count down-1 count up x 18-20

Step ups with 25lbs in hand on stepping leg side; only land on heal on non-stepping leg so zero push help x 8 each side.

Calves n abs n 5 minute walk/limp/hobble
Todays training

Pwo 35mg tbol coffee granola

Ladder bar with two wheels for big rest pause…rack bar for a few seconds, don’t sit up. 34 total reps on widest handgrips with cambered turned up so all reps were from a 2 inch deficit off chest.

Ladder bar ohp x bunch

Face pulls tri push downs abs superset 4x12-14
I’m going to say this… it’ll sound silly but I try and shoot for economy of time. Get in the most “Quality” work in the least amount of time. I’ve got a little personal playbook that I go by.
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