Tack's gotta lose some fat, training log

Listen to your body brother you did good just a learning experience and soon enough you will be lifting the amount you started with I have no doubt
I had a late start to my day, and kinda did procrastinate to the very end getting my workouts in. But it was worth it.

You know that feeling, when you know you’ve maxed out on your last rep, and it’s a struggle to push through, but every breath you take, gives you another inch, and you pace yourself to the finish. That was today’s bench.

The plank heaves were a pain in the ass to finish out though.

Do I need to mention leg day? I’m not Ronnie Coleman.

Edit: FIxed typo in log

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Hey there brother. Looks like you have bench two days in a row. Any reason for that? I would recommend more recovery time per muscle group than 24 hours. You will get better gains. Also looks like you hardly eat anything at all. I know your trying to loose weight But you ain’t gonna have much strength if you don’t feed those muscles. How much weight have you lost? Also you have a lot of time between eating. I notice if I eat every two hours my metabolism doesn’t shut down and I have more energy at gym and I don’t gain any weight. Not sure what your goals are but adding mature muscles to your physique will aid a lot in burning those calories. In the past year I’ve added a lot of muscle and I eat 3800 Cals per day give or take and I can loose weight. But I have a very physical job also. One year ago I would’ve gained weight at that caloric intake same job. Any I love eating Oikos triple zero Greek yogurts for snacks and deserts. Just had the bananas and cream for my late night snack it’s 90 calories and 15 grams carbs.

Just done reading thread and thinking out loud for you bro. Hope some this helps.
Sugar is easily more addictive than cocaine I can’t say for opiates or meth but def cocaine
Admittedly, I keep forgetting to eat. Like seriously, I will have to walk into the kitchen multiple times to remember I was half way into trying to cook something, or I left something out from the fridge cause I was going to cook something just to have it sit out half the day. I even do the same things with my supplements and meds… I used to self medicate for this, and did pretty well, but now these new meds the doctor has me trying out, has some side effects around my memory I’m not liking. It’s not memory loss, is the dumb forgetfulness ADD people go through, where you are just easily distracted by things. I’m weighing my options right now and haven’t made a decision of what I want to do with my med plan.

This week in general has been a mental struggle for me to stay motivated. Mostly my objectives were to get something on the charts at a minimum. And I enjoy benching, I do it to get myself motivated. But you are probably right that I’m loosing gains, my chest has been making the least progress visually.

When I remember to eat, I have a lot more motivation in the day, and usually only takes an hour or so for the food to kick in and give me energy. That part seems pretty consistent no matter how my schedule is, so been following my body on that part. Yesterday though my diet was way off.

My goals? Single digit body fat is the main objective right now. I’m at 188lb 14% body fat. Its been pretty steady at that weight all week.

Last thought, I would like to raise my calorie count. But I’m not sure when the right time would be. I’m curious if my motivation and memory would improve if I was less hungry thought the day. I do feel more alive after a meal. Fruit would be nice to supplement, but I can’t get over my gag reflex around fruit. Hard to explain.
Even bananas?

I eat one a day. They’re delicious and low on the glycemic index. Very good carbs.

Mix well in shakes too
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Bananas are the closest tolerable fruit, and it’s been a while since I’ve tried in a shake. But after 30 years off and on trying fruit, I’m not the most optimistic 😛 . I can snack on veggies all day though.

It’s really odd, and only one other person out of my life has understood exactly what I describe. He has also not eaten fruit for 50+ years of his life. The flavor is pleasant about fruit, nothing wrong with that, just there is a really specific fiber texture that I can only describe as eating dried grass, when it hits the back of my throat. But the texture only goes away after the fruit has been cooked. A blender won’t change anything.
You know, next week I’ll raise my calories to 2200 instead of 1800 to see how things work out. The site recommends higher. But I also don’t want to dramatically shift my calories too much without evaluating the effect.

So here are the metrics I will try to achieve by increasing my calories. I hope to observe more motivation, longer workout periods, higher rep max. This will give me more room to have snacks, cause snacking is easy, cooking is too much time.

Then after 2 weeks I will decide if I need to up my calories again.

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How did you rate your life style? Active ? Very active? I also substituted some of my carb calories for protein calories to up my protein to 1.5 gram protein per pound body weight
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Frozen banana in a shake are awesome. It’s the only fruit I eat daily. I don’t eat alot of fruit because I try to limit my sugar intake and before anyone goes off on me for saying they are good sugars and vitamins and blah blah blah. Sugar is Sugar. I do enjoy fruit but I rarely eat it unless I’m really active like swimming or hiking.
Highly active, cutting phase, low fat. Generally I find myself on rest days still being fairly active, and even when I’m not working out, I’m still chasing my dogs and doing yard work. So my energy level is constantly high.
I was out all day celebrating a friends b-day, I wasn’t expecting to be out so long, and also wasn’t expecting such a dense sandwich. Been kinda hating on myself all day about it, but it was delicious, and I’ll just take the break. I tried quantifying the ingredients best as possible. My cardio day got pushed to tomorrow.

Weekly macros 1706 calories average per day, 8% fat, 65% carb, 27% protein. Body weight coming tomorrow morning. For next week, I’ll target 2200 calories, same macros 10-60-30.


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That was a heck of a calorie dense sandwich.

No biggy. Treated yourself… get back on track and hit it hard.
Don’t beat yourself up… i just try and plan around it… go into the meal in a deficit. Enjoy yourself.