SB Labs

Time for a Dirty cut 2024

As person who has abused drugs heavily I now do long periods of sobriety and after the first two weeks of being bored. Once it’s just part of routine isn’t bad. You generally feel much better from day to day life. Not to mention financial pluses.
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Shoulders and arms tonight did machine raises 4x15 with double drop set the. Standing raises 7x12 but this was done with 30’s so not crazy heavy 30 second rest inbetween each set with doing most muscular hand in hips pose the whole time to keep blood In there. Each set after first is myo reps basically by 7th set I got 6 reps with the rest being singles basically. Man the delts can recover quickly. Could move them for like 5 minutes then it almost felt like they weren’t even worked at all
Used cialis tren base and and 200 mg caffeine pwo today I feel great. The tren base was 1.2 ml cause ethats what was left in vial. And I think it used to be more and water maybe evaporated out so I’m guessing close to 75 mg of the good stuff
I mean I’m only losing weight to look better short term in summer but come fall I’ll be in full prep mode which I will probably get up to about 315 before I drop the weight last 3 weeks with tren. I’m pretty proud of myself for not using clen this cut either although I may buy some and a difference sources cialis to see if it’s just the guys I have or I have issues with the compound itself. Before this last
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