SB Labs

Time for a Dirty cut 2024

I just look deflated right now maybe with a pump
I’ll look better but I’m in the inbetween area if not lean enough to look good but not big enough guy for my brain to say I’m big enough
Just did protein shake will get back at it tonight. Feeling tired as all can be still. I slept a lot this weekend so I think it’s just lack of food intake. I know I have plenty of energy stores but I’m trying this with as little of fat burners as possible which I’m including caffeine so it’s exhausting
Had a nice back workout body is taking shape I guess


Well I threw up tonight so I guess high reps finally got me. Fuck 4x12 squats. I dropped down to 315 to get all four sets I. Last time I did 2x12 with 365 and there was racking on second set for about 4 seconds. Speaking of squats mg bar is out of lockdown now it’s just laying on floor so I guess that means i can go ahead and buy the cerebus squat bar. Its more similar to kabuki they use in Meets
As much as I used to hate those high rep squats… the are necessary for your overall conditioning.

You feeling good so far?
I haven’t flat benched in 3 months and well I know th at wil come back the quickest it still is in my head that I won’t get to pr at meet doing it hat im doing
Wonder why coach isn’t having you flat benching?

What’s your alternate movement for now?
Well he’s bb guy and we are doing bb style. It my coach was my pl coach I wouldn’t be doing just about anything. I’m doing