SB Labs

Trollus 2021 cut cycle log

Push day
Db bench pyramid to 60s for 10
Db incline press 4x10 40s
Then 8 reps, 6th set only 6 reps
Db overhead press 5x8 25s
6th set only 5
Db skulls 50 x8x8x5
6.5 miles fasted walking
Protein 174
Carbs 129
Fat 125
Calories 2083
Kinda ran out of steam after working today but I got it done. Tomorrow legs day!!
Ok so working back into leg day slowly.
Db deadlifts 50s 3sets 10
Db sumo squats 80 4 sets of 10
Leg ext 70 lbs 6 sets of 12
Leg curls 50 5 sets of 10
Db calf raises 30s 6 sets of 20
Protein 246
Carbs 86
Fat 153
Calories 2742
Deficit 276
I’m dealing with sciatic nerve pain and a bad knee so this might take a minute to build back up but I’m trying to be patient. Total fat was too high today lots of saturated fats. But I had to eat a frickin ribeye. I mean HAD TO. For my sanity.
If you have a tens unit it will help with sciatica. That’s what they use in physical therapy and you get them on Amazon pretty cheap.
Those electronic things help with sciatic nerve pain?
It doesn’t really hurt it burns hot and hurts I would really like some relief
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That’s what they had me use in physical therapy when I aggravated mine and I believe that helped more then anything else. I bought one and use it all the time for my back. It won’t fix anything but it does offer some relief.
I appreciate the information brother I have looked into those devices before and never took the leap. I believe that I might actually have to get the non invasive surgery done but the tens unit might be something I have to end up buying because surgery is expensive 😅
Pad placement is the key and be very careful not move them while it’s on. A 9 volt battery might not seem like much but you can definitely hurt yourself pretty good.
Its really a shock like getting tazed or is it something that hurts?
I just thought it was the smallest little jolt you have me worried im going to be shocking myself?
My chiropractor uses one on me. I get it done once a month on my trouble areas. His adjustable…it can be turned up high enough where as your arm or shoulder starts to move involuntarily hahaha. They start low and you tell them stop at your comfort level.
That makes me feel a bit more comfortable about it I don’t like being shocked im not sure why but as long as im not feeling like im being shocked it would be ok but if im getting jolted im not sure that’s what I would want