SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Im blown away I truly believe its spiked with an androgen. I really believe this I might buy another 50mg and a 20mg for the wife its supposed to work better for women.
Crazy but it definitely worked and that didn’t just happen I woke up and went to take a piss and realized I had morning wood. You know been dead for along time. So I figured one off maybe but was very surprised later went in and function was completely normal again that says to me its definitely working



Sleep got 3 hrs then another 4hrs so I guess 7 total I just can’t seem to sleep longer than 4hrs its tough.

Training none with fam for the 4th god bless America 🇺🇸

Eat going to try

Dhea 100mg split 50mg 2x inner thighs
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It’s nice to hear you are going into this weekend strong 💪

I noticed you mentioned stomach bleeding though. Hopefully it’s something minor, and clears up quickly.
No ive been hearing about zinc and lots of natural remedies I believe that im past natural remedies to be honest I believe it might be time for surgery or possibly something else I need to see a doctor and they are seriously slacking smh

Why do you say magnesium and melatonin?
The only good tHong about my break up is she didn’t wake me up and kick me out in morning let me sleep till lat the next day then fed me and let go back to sleep so I’m almost caught back up on sleep