TRAIN none today I didn’t train but I definitely put in a workout I did the garden with new mulch pulled the old all out and fertilized everything moving for 3hrs straight labor. That’s a great cardio endurance workout for me
DHEA 100mg
I have decided that my stomach is screwed no matter what im going to eat and just deal with the aftermath and see if I can start getting nutrition down again also I believe that Monday im going to start a training program.
Its going to be very difficult but im going to push forward as hard as possible.
EAT I tried eating normal yesterday big mistake I woke up 3 hrs after falling asleep in alot of pain.
My stomach was so bloated by gas I thought that it was going to rupture. I have never gone through that before I even took a gas pill and it wasn’t enough to make it stop. I don’t believe that I need so describe anything else I imagine you can figure it out. Woke at 2 and suffered until 6 and then it was finally relieved.
SLEEP 4hrs
TRAIN not yet
DHEA 100mg seems different as I get further into the bottle. It sounds crazy to even me but I believe that its not properly mixed. At the beginning I was getting erections and now nothing not even energy. Seems completely different im hoping that it starts to do something again
Yesterday even though I trained was a really bad day for my stomach as I sit and type this my stomach is destroyed. The past couple of days have been extra bad.
Im training again though getting back to working on trying full training sessions. Yesterday was good I have realized though I have lost alot of size im going to need to hit it hard to gain back some size.
Morning @Bigmurph, we’re on the same sleep schedule today! I’m headed 150 miles from home to work at a Hormel Plant.
Even if you have to spread your workouts out, you’re still doing it! When I had my hip replaced, a successful leg training day was standing up and sitting down in a chair unassisted as many times as I could through the day… just like box squats. At first I had to use a crutch or a door handle, but in the words of my friend and someone I consider one of the best training coaches in my area, I stayed MAD (motivated and determined!). You’re doing the work, you’ll get back to where you want… you’re MAD
I get that way sometimes. My wife works nights, sometimes I’ll fall asleep and she wakes me up when she gets home and it makes going back to sleep impossible, and when I’m in one of my funks sleep is almost impossible .
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