SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

DocToBe_13 said:
Being a trusting and giving person is the worse type of life to live
I don’t believe this at all brother trust should be earned not given, continue to be a trusting person to those that have earned it your a good person for this and the people who betray your trust should be dead to you unless they do the right thing and apologize and make it right.

Your mother sounds like a really good person a strong support system is needed in life especially though the hard times I probably would have already done something very stupid if it wasn’t for this community.

Stick around trust is something that members of ugmuscle have for each other we watch out and help each other its what good people do

Thanks brother for your prayers and kind words its much appreciated
Banned @DocToBe_13

Took a turn for the worst on Friday night I tried to go out in public didn’t go well and I got really worse.

My appointment is tomorrow hopefully I can get some help.

Sleep I could only wish

Training hopefully soon

Diet non existent

I will get better I just need to get the help from the doctors

Thank you everyone

Got new medication finally

Slept 3hrs edit add 5hrs after I took new meds

Ate nothing going on 2 days im going to eat something and just deal with the stomach problems

No training for probably a couple of days atleast I need to get adjusted and I need to eat and sleep.

I write depressing bad things in my log and its only because things aren’t going well right now and I want this log to look back and be able to see how bad it was before how good its going to get please don’t count me out I will never give up as long as I breathe air I will get all this bullshit taken care of and then im going to come back and get bigger than before muscle memory is real and I will not let these mother fuckers try to beat me in to submission so that I just quit.
That shit will never happen it might take a year to get my ass together I don’t care if it takes 2 years I will be back and bigger than before this is my Word to ugmuscle and I don’t break my word ever.

Comebacks aren’t timed but im going to kill it when im able to I want it so bad again im more mad about not training than anything honestly.
Soon enough brothers and sisters soon enough
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