SB Labs

Get where I want or die trying Banned comeback

Thinking about you, Brotha! I’m depressed and couldn’t fall asleep so I’m trying to give myself a pep talk . I really hope you start feeling better soon. I hope you get a good night’s sleep from your new meds. Keep fighting! Always keep fighting!
Its really just waiting for doctor appointments I can’t get in anywhere and it also costs a ton of money which I don’t have but I have a strong support system now thank God
Sorry to hear about the recent setbacks, big guy, but love your fierce determination to forge ahead. Sleeping reasonably well is a GREAT start. Eating more as and when you can. Then training as and when you can. Each one builds on the other. With your attitude, you will get there.

Oh, and I agree: fuck the doctors. I wish I could find that perfect all-purpose doc that would actually be a 100% partner with me in maintaining and improving my health. I wish that for everyone.

So the doctor prescribed more poison after 2 days I have to stop im being told I need a certain test to see about my liver enzymes and how they function. More money I don’t have smh

I did get sleep and ate yesterday the sleep was amazing but this morning I paid a horrible price for eating like I did it was a bad night smh

I stepped on the scale 223lb that’s down from 238lb so 15lbs lost but in the most unhealthy way im still starting here and going to work today.

I did hit legs today im going to try some chest exercises today

Get where I want or die trying

This is what im changing my title to it is my montra moving forward

Sleep 6hrs
Eat 2 eggs so far so good just pain

Cardio 30min stationary bike

Farmers walked 50lbs at a time im not sure the distance

That was cardio

Leg extensions front and back
Weighted hack squats 50lbs

I know that it is a soft ass workout and im embarrassed as I post but last week I thought that I might die now im actually moving again gotta stay positive
I’m with @JLee, stop with the soft ass nonsense! Remember my first few months of “real” leg workouts post hip surgery involved body weight step ups and step downs, extensions and curls… nothing more! You’re training, regardless of the weight, I’m sure you’re putting in the intensity that you are able to put in! You’re doing the work @Bigmurph , where as most others would just curl up and quit!
Glad to hear that we can help make a difference for you big brother!!! You have done and will do the same for us. You have helped me as well as other here to get started way back a year ago and stay healthy. And deal with my drinking.

Gotta lotta love for you brother!!! Keep it up!!
Im up and moving that’s a big step and I pace all day really but I actually have life back in me now my stomach is really bad still but I have eaten and just pay the price when I wake up I gotta eat something though im still getting better I need to see a GI badly