SB Labs

Poppys HRT With Turinabol (TBOL) Log

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Yes for me it does… I’ve found if I step up where the attach point to the apparatus is directly below me and not out front then it’s easier to sit back and take a bunch of stress off the knees. The belt squat takes out every thing above the waist. So it’s easier to concentrate on good safe form for the knees.

Hope that makes sense…

Do you mind if I use pics of you belt squatting that you posted a few days ago… for an article here on ugm.
Todays training

12 min walk with baby girl flitting around me on her bike playing get me.
Todays training

Bench press. Started with ladder bar…shut that down due to pain in jands and wrist. Swapped to regular bar and just wasn’t feeling good. Shut bench down completely.

YTWs, triceps, high pulls in 3 giant sets

Walked away.
Todays training

Pwo 25mg tbol 10mg Cialis emergenC black coffee and reeses cups.

Lat pull downs with V bar superset with 45 degree back raises 4x12-16

Rows abs neck calves banded leg curls superset
Todays training

Pwo coffee cialis tbol

Blast strap push ups 8,10,12,14 very little rest ~30 seconds

Dips x some-bunchish

Tricep push downs superset with face pulls x bunch

Mucho chores around house with baby girl helping.

She trained with me also

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