SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

I was planning on going to your first meet. Then this one but I cannot leave joe now and he cannot come with so absolutely I will next one knock on wood. Been saving money to go. And if this great company I’ve been subbing for finally buys me out then it’s no trouble at all. I’ll get 4 weeks paid vacation and 10 personal days right away plus a bunch of money lol. It would be a great family vacation. All the kids know who dirt is. I do share with them about my UGM life. Afterwards we could all do some deep sea fishing including you big boy!!! And if @NeuroRN could be there all the better. Love that guy!!!
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Backwards walk on treadmill: 10 min

Hip and t spine mobility

Calf raise: 15,15,12,12
Seated Ham curl: 12,12,12,10
RDL: 15,14,12,12,10

Single leg extension:12,12,12,10,10
Hack squat: 12,12,10,10,8
Walking lunge: 20,20,20,20
Reverse lunge:20,20,20,20

Shrugs: 15,15,12,12,10,10
Notice you did two other movements after walking lunges. I’m here to tell you those are reserved for THE very last movement for me!

You crazy azz
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Training is coming along. 21 days without logging?! How did that happen?!

Left side of the body is slowly but surly catching back up. Strength is coming back up as well. No knee pain in about a month, the elbow still is a bit angry at times but I’ve just switched back to DB bench and it seems to be negating most of it. Focusing on wrist mobility a couple times a week to see if that was part of the original problem.

Weight 234 today post poop.

Still just trying to move the mark 1/16” a day. Slow and steady.
NeuroRN said:
elbow still is a bit angry at times
A little trivial knowledge. When the bench shirts got real big and those dudes were moving way more weight, their shoulders were protected and wrist wraps protected the wrists and left the elbows exposed as the weak link. Lots of angry elbows
I can imagine I still don’t feel any pain yet frin heavy benching but my forearms were screaming on dead’s today. Just need to get rest and recovery. Next two days will be sleep and eat
The Inzer shirts were amazing. Some could count on 100 more pounds on their bench.
Only down side was I’ve never know anyone who could get theres on by themselves it always took a couple people to get those things on correctly
This one.