SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

Weighed in at 230 today. Didn’t hit macros most of the week this week. Just randomly busy. But been focusing on allowing some flexibility in my life 😅

Been playing with macros a bit.

High carb/ cals on training days M-thurs

Low-ish carb on work days.

NEAT is obviously higher on work days. So I think this has kept me lean while adding on some size. I don’t feel too much bigger but the wife says she can tell a difference.

I’m tired of force feeding, and eating massive meals. I’ll eat 20 times and stop when I’m full rather than sit there and feel like puking.

So far this has been working for me well, and I’m comfortable and confident in my growth and training.
Eating cAn be a chore but the have like 15 boxes of pizza in break room today so I guess I work
I’m thinking your job brings a certain amount of stress too. I’m sure with all the steps and organic stress on shift burns lots of calories.
Picked up an extra shift this week. And 4th of July. The money is too good. With that comes an extra day of sleep fuckery. Will basically stay nocturnal-ish for a week or so.

Still plugging along training. Work has been so hectic I’m dropping 5-6lbs a weekend bc of increased steps and cals burned and decreased intake. This next week my new grad nurse comes off of orientation with me. Sink or swim time! Jk jk I’m remain in top gear at work for the next few weeks ensuring she’s ready to fly the nest for real. She already had her first code blue and she handled it like a mother fucking boss so she’s going to be just fine. It still adds an extra layer of stress at work for me though.

So I’m shooting to increase cals during the week to “make up” for the weekends. It’s not working 😂😂

Training legs today-

Foot stability/ ankle/spine/hip mobility.

10 min revers walk treadmill
10 min forward walk focus on foot placement, keeping arches high and weight off big toe and on other toes (I have zero arches after multiple serious ankle injuries both sides, so I’m working on re-training my feet to keep every thing in alignment and negate more long term damage to knees, hips, and back)

Hex bar dead: 12,12,12,12
Lying leg curl: 15,15,13,12,10
Seated leg curl: 14,14,12,12

Calves: 15,15,15,12,10

Hack squat: 12,12,10,10,8
Single leg extension: 15,15,14,12,10 (left leg still catching up)
Reverse lunge, elevated front foot: 12,12,12,12,12
easy fix…

I also have to work extra day. With the 8 hours holiday pay will have a decent check we also get paid 8 hours holiday toMororw
My contract as written now is straight salary. No lunches or breaks or ot. Not as bad as it sounds. Eat lunch at desk and take short walks all on the clock.
We get July 4th and July 4tj eve holiday pay with the nursing agency I’m working with… I don’t know why, or how, or what the fuck? But I don’t care. I will work extra and make your weird policy work in my favor.
It’s all pro’s and con’s. Salary is nice when work flow is slow. Salary sucks when work flow is high. Hourly is awesome when you want to make more money. Hourly sucks when you want a day off.
Had a friendly competition with a friend going on who could have the Better physique by august 12. I was supposed to go visit him. Plans changed and won’t see him until October.

I had been mostly staying at my own pace. In my own lane. Making slow gains.

And he said, “honestly I wouldn’t give me two extra months. You can’t win.”

He’s my best friend and I know he said it specifically to push my buttons… it worked. I immediately got competitively pissed 😂😂

This will be me until October:
