SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

I never got a lump. I’m lean so I was using 25g × 5/8" . So luckily it was just a little sore. I’m just glad it didn’t come completely out. Most would probably just push it back in but myself I would have changed pin and swapped traps.

Incline barbell: 12,12,10,10
Pec Dec: 15,15,12,11
Flat barbell: 15,15,11,9
Tricep pushdown: 14,14,12,12,10
Cable lateral raise: 15,15,14,12,8

Hex bar row: 12,12,10,8
Single arm pull down machine: 15,15,14,13
Preacher curl: 12,12,12,10,8

10 min backwards walk on treadmill with power off.

Seated leg curls: 14,14,13,11
Lying leg curls: 13,12,12,10

Leg press: 12,12,10,10
Single leg extension: 15,15,12,10 (+2 L leg, trying even up after my knee tweak)
Calves: 20,20,15,12

Lunges 20x2
Short lunge 20x2
Have a 6 hour class today for work. Then upper body pull focus in the afternoon.

400mg mix of gear in one shot is proving to me tough to do. May have to pin 4x a week in .5ml splits. I got lumps and bumps for days in my ass cheeks right now. Sitting for 6 hours should be fun.
I was only doing 350 daily haha. I think the highest eat I did was 425 3 times a week.

Hex bar rows: 20,20,15,15
Middle grip pull down: 15,14,14,10
Narrow grip:14,13,11,10
Face pull: 12,12,11,10,8

Low incline DB bench: 16,14,14,12
Flat DB bench: 14,14,12,12

Preacher curl: 15,15,14,12,12
Tricep pushdown: 16,15,14,10,10