SB Labs

Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

Also, I gotta say that I’m coming around to the idea expressed in your first post in this thread of a constant mid-level of AAS–up to the level that bloods and BP all stay within good limits–rather than blasting and cruising. The see-saw of the latter approach really does not do me right. I’m currently playing with a combo that I intend to run consistently through the Summer assuming my bloods and BP are good. If so, it may become my permanent combo.
Incline barbell: 15,15,12
Pec Dec: 15,10,10
Flat barbell: 12,12,10,
Tricep pushdown: 15,15,12,12
Cable lateral raise: 15,15,13,12

Single arm row machine: 15,12,12
Single arm pull down: 14,13,10
Preacher curl: 12,12,10,9
Hey brother catching up on your log and i was wondering what does your title mean @NeuroRN ? I see you work in the icu but what about the neurologist part? Is that like your field of expertise? If so what kind of patients do you work with? Just being nosey i suppose