SB Labs

Trollus 2021 cut cycle log

Ok so the extra calories are making a difference. Could be mental but the weight felt lighter today. 6.4 miles fasted walking. Pull day today.
Bent over rows 20sx12,40sx12,50sx10
1 arm Db rows 60sx10,80sx5,80sx5
Db pullover 50x12,60x12,60x8,60x8
Bench incline rev flies 15s 5setsx15
Hammer curls 20s 4sets10
Machine preacher 50x10,60x6,70x3
Protein 249
Fat 91
Calories 2285
Deficit around 415
I’ll probably experiment in this range. Maybe going up to 2500 to see how my body reacts.
Quick progress pic
Work today, 5.3 miles fasted walking. Did push day when I got home. Didn’t track the lift. Just free forming it. Decline dB press, dB press, incline dB press, overhead pres, front round weight raises, side lats, dB skulls.
Protein 168
Carbs 202
Fat 105
Calories 1986
Did not hit macro target for the day. I need to adjust my sack lunch for work. Probably switch from turkey breast to tuna. I get more bang for my buck.
Gotta check that out.

I seen documentary on the japanese ships… basically floating canneries… the whole process from catching to packaging was done on the big azz ship.
Japan is actually taking whales while is illegal internationally and china is raping the shores of Africa’s coast of all the fish.

They said in 1970 they had some small amount of boats like 300 and caught a billion pounds now it takes 30,000 to catch half the amount.
Not exactly the numbers but close.
I don’t know where i heard it, it might have been the movie about the freighter and somalia pirates but I believe China destroyed somalias fishing and that in turn spawned the pirates.